Planning Travel during a Pandemic
Are you planning anything for 2021? It’s quite hard for any of us to PLAN given the continuation of the Covid-19 pandemic. I’m struggling to be motivated and hopeful for any special events this year.
I’ve even had a hard time coming up with an interesting topic for my first blog post of 2021. With travel restrictions still in effect, I hesitate to write about traveling for fear of my words falling on deaf ears. I said to myself, ‘Who wants to read or see photos of places they can’t begin to plan to visit?’.

But I can’t stop my Travel Blog just because of what is currently going on in the world. The keyword in that sentence is ‘currently’. We have to believe that this situation which has been consuming our thoughts and actions for almost one year will eventually come to an end. WHEN that will be we don’t know. Some people say Summer of 2021, others say the end of 2021, and even the true pessimists say the end of 2022.
For our sanity, we have to remain positive and hopeful for a better day when we can go to restaurants, stores, and we can travel again without wearing an uncomfortable mask and being afraid of catching the virus.
This time last year I was busy building my website, blog, and business which officially launched on March 1st. I put so much effort into this endeavor. With my recent lack of motivation, I thought long and hard about my direction with this activity.

I decided that I don’t want to bail out now. I didn’t come this far to only come this far. So I have decided to jump back into my writing and search long and hard for appropriate blog posts to please my readers.

To be honest, I’ve been quite distracted for the last two months with the year-end holiday period and with moving house. We bought a house in October 2020 and moved in on January 11, 2021. It was a lot of work to pack up our belongings (which seem to have quadrupled since our last house move 5 years ago), organize the full day of loading and unloading trucks, and then put our new abode together.

I’ve never worked so hard and never been so happy. The excitement and joy of something new get you through exhausting times like this. After the last month of unpacking and arranging, I can finally take a deep breath and focus on something else. Sure, there is a lot more to do, but the essential house set-up is done.

I’ve also been busy entertaining friends and family over the last two months. Everyone wants to see our new home and I’m enjoying having guests here. Because we are still under pandemic restrictions, I’m even happier to have my own home and to spend time in it.

My HOME is my HAVEN these days. What does this mean? The definition of a haven is a safe or comforting place. A nice, comfortable and safe home is an example of a haven. At times like this, we all need to feel safe and comfortable in our homes. My goal for 2021 is to enjoy my haven!

Other than moving into our new home, we also have added to our family. We recently got a puppy, an English Cocker Spaniel, who we named Tilly. She is only 13 weeks old and such a cutie. I knew I wanted to get a dog this year but didn’t realize it would happen so quickly. We are thrilled and physically exhausted at the same time for training a puppy!

I recently shared on my personal Facebook site what my WORD is for this year. It’s ‘PROFITEZ’. This is a French word that means to enjoy, take advantage, and benefit. This is how I want to focus my time and energy during 2021. I want to enjoy my new home and pet, take advantage of my health, and benefit from all the people and love around me. What is your word for this year?

We are all capable of changing our mindset and behavior to be happy. I always said that ‘happy’ should be a verb, meaning that we choose to be happy and don’t expect happiness to come to us. Of course, bad things happen for no real reason and we have to deal with these situations. I’ve been recently saddened to hear about people I know who died from Covid. It breaks my heart.
I am patiently waiting for this pandemic to come to an end and am looking forward to having gatherings with more than 5 people. Not to mention, going out to eat in restaurants and to be able to shop for anything I want and not just the essentials. I am excited to plan a trip somewhere fun! Am I the only one who feels this way?

So this leads me back to my blog topic of Planning for 2021. We may not be able to concretely PLAN for any travel or events, but we should focus our energy on what we CAN do in the meantime. I am planning to do some house and yard projects in the coming months. I am planning to train my puppy to be an obedient and friendly dog. There is so much to learn and apply when we decide what we want to do.
I have an account on Skillshare where there are tons of training courses. Skillshare is an amazing platform where normal people like you and me share training videos. The topics are endless and the content is enormous – 26,000 training sessions are available! You can learn just about anything, including painting, piano, online marketing, knitting, and starting your own business.
If you are looking for some stimulation, I encourage you to check out Skillshare. If you click on the box above and these links, you can have a 2-month free trial. As an affiliate of Skillshare, I may receive a free month subscription if you sign up.
Leave a comment below as to your thoughts about the coming year and what plans you are making. I would love to get some ideas on how others are surviving this limbo state we are in. In the meantime, please take care!
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If you are looking for assistance to plan your next trip, I am here for YOU! I love to plan travel itineraries for myself and others. For more details on how I provide this service, please check out my Itinerary Planning page and drop me a quick email at jan@janadventures.com to get started!

I’ve learned to only plan road trips so I don’t have to deal with cancelled flights drama. Here’s to 2022!
Yes! I haven’t flown in two years but would like to later in 2022.
Would love to see how it all panned out and tweeks you made for 2022
Will let you know for sure!
Being able to change your mindset to make the best out of every situation is so important! Its such a good reminder to reset my negative thoughts when I read posts like this. Thanks!
Glad it helped you. We got this!
Sounds like a busy year with the blog, move, and new puppy (who looks adorable!) Here’s to a better 2022, as far as Covid goes!
Tammy Horvath
Covid really messed up travel. I canceled numerous trips but we are finally traveling again. I hope you get motivated to continue your blog and share with us because since you’ve been to 60 countries I’m sure you have amazing stories to tell.
I won’t stop the blog even if I’m traveling less. You’re right, I have many more previous trips to document.
Melissa Jones
Thank you for the reminders. I needed them after the week I’d had.
Cindy Moore
You have good intentions and plans! And I get it. I took the travel blogging course at the beginning of last year and then all my travel plans canceled due to the pandemic. However, I’ve written a travel blog post ever single week for the last year+. I’ve learned a lot. And I have opportunities coming up as a result. I look forward to more travel again. And I’m not sorry about all the things I learned last year.
Thanks, Cindy, and good for you to keep up the blogging. It is very therapeutic during times like these to write and create!
Sounds like a busy year! Looking forward to the future and knowing it can always (and usually) change, it’s nice to kinda plan ahead!
I started my blog around the same time as you, and its been a little discouraging. But planning travel makes me happy… so I plan my trips, and will take them when we can! As for the blog… it took me years to get the courage to start, so I am not gonna quit now!
Good to hear! We got this!
Aww I’m so in love with Tilly! Congrats on the move and all the new excitement!
Aww, thank you!
Suz | TravelsWithSuz.com
Hi Jan! I’ve missed your beautiful travel posts! Glad to know that all is well.
Your new place looks great.
Chin up, and enjoy – glad to have you back in the posse.
Thanks for saying that – now I’m motivated to do a travel blog post for you!
I’ve always enjoyed reading travel blogs and fantasizing about my future travels, so I still appreciate the travel content! Also since I’m not traveling currently myself, it has given me a chance to actually go through all of my travel pics and write down my experiences!
Yes, you’re right. We should take advantage of this less busy time to catch up on our past travel adventures!
2020 was a flop, here’s hoping that 2021 is better! And wow, what a view!!
Agreed! Thanks Amy!
lisa Manderino
I can’t survive without planning. It brings me joy. I keep planning and working to accomplish my plans!
While being at home so much can be hard, you’ve got plenty of time to train your new pup! What a lucky dog! 🙂 Best wishes for the new year!
Thank you!
Congratulations on the move and the puppy! Sounds like you will have a lot to keep you occupied until travel is possible again 🙂
Yes I do! 🙂
Jason Gowin
I am envious of your positive vibes in such an uncertain time. I miss entertaining at our house, with my wife being immune compromised even in slightly relaxed we are afraid to open that door until after she gets the vaccine. I hope you enjoy your new home and that travel can return to you.
Sending my positive vibes for good health to you and your family!
I think we all have developed different coping mechanisms to endure this crazy COVID experience. Good for you for deciding to push through too!
Sabrina DeWalt
I think eating at restaurants is what I miss most from the pre-covid days.
Emi Sorensen
I am so curious to see how the rest of this year will play out with the pandemic and restrictions, especially after the vaccine becomes available to the general public. You’re correct in not stopping your endeavours here because you certainly did not come this far to quit now. Keep on keepin’ on!
Thanks for the motivation!
Dawn Troxell
Congratulations on your house move. The views from your home are simply breathtaking!! You must be so happy waking up to that every day. Hopefully, it won’t be long before we can all travel again!
Thank you Dawn!
Heather Jandrue
It is hard to plan and being a Type A and queen of planning, it can drive me mad. I have some trips booked, with generous cancellation plans. We are exploring more local state parks and doing some things around the house.
Debbi H
The view from your new house is beautiful…and your puppy! SO cute! Thank you for sharing your ideas and good luck with your blog.
Thanks Debbie!
I’m going to have to check skillshare! Thanks for the recommendation!
Tilly is adorable!! Looks like you are making the best of your non-traveling time!
Thanks so much!
Sounds like you are making the best of this limbo state we are in. I am a planner too so it’s hard to not be sure. I continue to plan (safely) and hope for the best, knowing that I have to be flexible. This past year has taught me flexibility. 🙂
Christina Siwik
A great read. We usually winter in Florida but this year we decided to stay home. We are using the time to clean and paint the inside of the house. It has become a time to take care of some things we have been putting off.
Tammy Horvath
I love your photos. I’ve pinned some to my boards. Congrats on the new house. I can’t wait to start traveling again soon. I hope we both get to very soon. https://tammyhorvath.com/blog/
Thank you Tammy!
I sympathize with you. I started a blog in January of 2020 and was doing pretty well until we went back to school. Teaching on Google Meets with an increased caseload while also balancing students who areattending in person was taking so much out of me! I’m getting back in the horse, but worry about the momentum I lost. Keep your head up! Things will slowly reopen as people get vaccinated, I’m sure. I love your ideas!
Thanks, Charlene, and good luck to you too!
Jimmy Clare
I need to do this more in 2021
Love your word of the year! Thanks for sharing your insights.
Susan Lloyd-Piralli
Your most welcome!
Yes, having like-minded friends and family to support us through these challenging times is definitely a major blessing.
Keep the positive vibes coming, you are doing great work and the world needs your positivity and light, so keep shining and sharing your light!
Love and light,
Fiona Griffin Käser
Great ideas, Jan. As you say we can’t just stay static because of Covid so we should all try to plan for brighter days. Tilly is so cute and the house pics lovely – wishing you many years of happiness in your new, beautiful abode . Fio xxxx
Thanks so much, Fiona!
Susan Lloyd-Piralli
Hi Jan,
Thank you for sharing and being so open and honest about what you’ve been going through and how you have been dealing with it.
It takes great courage to open up and show your vulnerability publicly.
Brava my dear, and courage as you continue your journey through this pandemic. I have the utmost faith that you and your travel blog will be successful!
Much love and light,
Thank you for your nice comment on my blog post! We are all using courage to get through this period. It helps to have special people in our lives!