Blogging Courses
Are you interested in creating a blog or website of your own? I couldn’t have done it without the help of the courses I signed up for. Sure, you can follow a lot of free videos on YouTube, but I am convinced that an online course is much more effective.
The nice thing about these courses is that they also provide one or more Facebook private groups you can join. This allows you to interact with the instructors and other students to ask questions and get additional information. The benefit of this community was invaluable.
Below are the courses I followed and highly recommend.
It’s a Lovely Life
The first one I did was offered by Pete and Heather from It’s a Lovely Life. In just a matter of weeks, I had my website created and launched!
I initially did the FREE 5-Day Crash Course that they offer (I’m a sucker for freebies, especially before you buy). It was SO valuable and gave me the desire to learn more about starting my blogging career.
Click on the above picture or right here to get more information and sign up for this sensational FREE course!
After doing the FREE 5-Day email course, I was convinced I wanted to invest in their Fast Track Blogging Blastoff course. This one was a 30-Day self-paced course with so much information! I couldn’t believe how smart I was getting with all of the written and video content they offer as well as the exercises to make sure you follow through and apply the learnings.
If you would be interested in this course, please sign up by clicking on the image just above or right here.
In addition to the general Blogging Blastoff Course, I also enrolled in their Travel Blogging Course which is dedicated to showing how you can make money as a travel blogger. I highly recommend this online class!

If you are more interested in a quick way to build a website with WordPress.org, I would recommend their ‘WP FAST LAUNCH‘ COURSE. This course comes free when you sign up for their Blogging Blastoff course, but if you want to buy it separately (for $197), just click here.
Now that I’m a believer, I have signed up as an affiliate for their training program and may receive some small compensation if you click on the above links and sign up! THANKS FOR THAT!
If you have any specific questions to ask me, don’t hesitate to send me an email at jan@janadventures.com! I want to help others who are in the same boat I was and didn’t know where to start on this journey!
Blogging Fast Lane
In addition the above courses, I came across a different online blogging course and signed up for the free webinar course to see what it was all about. The course is offered by Tom and Anna from Adventure in You.
I really liked Tom and Anna’s approach to blogging and craved to know more. So, I signed up for their paid course to learn more specific details about how to create a money-making blog.
They have a very thorough course on every topic about creating a blog, knowing your Blue Ocean (ideal customer offering), building effective SEO, implementing affiliate programs (secret to making a passive income), how to plan and execute blogging objectives, and so much more!
The training is split into 4 major modules and 8 weeks with lots of bonus training and materials. Each module has many videos and transcribed text explaining the topic and showing online demos of how to apply the information. You can set your own pace for the training and I finished all the videos within 2-3 weeks. I found the training course to be top-notch and I learned so much.
Because I highly recommend this course, I have signed up as an affiliate for their program and will receive some compensation if you decide to sign up as well! Click here to check out their free training!