Adventure,  North America,  Road Trip

America’s Death Valley Roadtripping Tips

This is a guest post from Amy Forester. I’ve driven through Death Valley once in my lifetime and you’ll find some useful information if you want to visit this spectacular place.

If you’re the adventurous type, Death Valley is a unique spot not to be missed. This diverse landscape carries huge geological, historical and cultural significance. Despite its name, the park is full of life including some amazingly well-adapted rare animals

From ancient, breathtaking landscapes like Artists Palette to historical sites such as Scotty’s Castle, there’s so much to see and discover in this vast national park. A road trip provides the perfect opportunity to experience as much as possible.

To make the most of your adventure, here are our top tips for road-tripping America’s Death Valley.

Plan your itinerary ahead of time

There are endless natural wonders to be explored in Death Valley! Be sure to check out the popular sites of Badwater Basin and Zabriskie Point in the south to the undisturbed oases of Grapevine Springs in the north. 

Choosing to traverse the national park by car allows you to cover vast distances in a shorter space of time. This way, you can fit more attractions into your itinerary. With so much to see, it’s crucial you plan ahead of time to get the most out of your trip. It’s important to stick to the main tracks and not venture too far off the park roads. You should know that cell service could be lacking and it’s easy to get lost. 

Stock up on the essentials

You might experience extreme temperatures in Death Valley, depending on the time of year you visit. The park is known to be one of the hottest places on our planet, reaching an impressive 134℉ in July 1913. 

Luckily, traveling by car through the park means you should have room to bring plenty of water and sunscreen. Death Valley is generally still fairly warm during the winter months, but you’ll want to pack some layers to keep warm just in case.

Death Valley

Spanning over three million acres of remote wilderness, you’ll want to make sure you’re equipped with a navigation device, food, water, and a first aid kit. You can never be too prepared for a road-trip adventure to Death Valley!

Check the rules and regulations

It’s important to read up on the rules and regulations of Death Valley National Park before visiting, so you can enjoy your trip whilst respecting the natural environment. There are certain vehicle restrictions and speed limits you’ll need to adhere to. You should know there are some spots you’re not allowed to drive and park.

Keep in mind that there will be other visitors enjoying the park, as well as native communities residing in the area. Be mindful by sticking to designated travel routes, throwing away your litter, and keeping noise to a minimum.

Experience the natural wonders of Death Valley

A road trip through Death Valley allows you to experience each of the natural wonders from a unique perspective. There’s nothing like getting into the adventurous spirit knowing that you can retreat to the comfort of your vehicle whenever you please. As long as you’re well prepared, you will be guaranteed a wonderful experience in America’s Death Valley.


I hope this guest post has been informative on America’s Death Valley Roadtripping Tips! Leave a comment below if you have any other information to add!

If you are looking for other road trip ideas, check out my post on 3 Awesome U.S. Road Trips !

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